I’m especially proud to be offering this design on the tote bag too. Our amazing artist, Dean W, drew this design just for Yellow Rose Designs. This stunning American Flag was beautifully crafted one gem at a time to create the feel of Old Glory waving proudly in the wind. The text “Proud to be an American” is customizable – just let us know what you would like written under Old Glory when you’re the winner of this great giveaway!
But wait… how do you win, you ask? It’s simple. Just go to our Facebook Page and “Like” our page, then come back and leave a comment on this post! Be sure you have access to the email you add your comment with, because that’s how we can notify you that you’ve won! We’ll randomly draw a number and the comment number that matches will be our winner! Please only comment once. (Your comment may not appear right away as all comments are moderated, but we’ll approve all comments as quickly as we can.)
The giveaway ends June 21, 2010 at midnight Central Time, so be sure to Like our Facebook page and leave your comment before then! Not a U.S. citizen? Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten you too. If you’re the winner, you can select any of the Budget Totes from our shop on Zazzle (Retail value $12.80, Budget Tote must be in the http://www.zazzle.com/yellowrosegallery shop only.)
Thank you everyone for all you kind comments and for entering our first giveaway! I used Random.org to generate a random number based on the number of comments . . . and the winner is . . . Comment #2! DeeDee, congratulations, you win one of our beautiful Budget Totes!
Entries are now closed but feel free to comment. Thank you to everyone who participated! Look for our next giveaway coming soon! I wonder what it will be?