Sitting at work waiting on my computer to be returned. One co-worker is fuming over it, and another confused and I think a little afraid he’s mad at us over it. Talk about a perfect example of “not mad at you, mad at the system.” That’s the way it is most of the time. People do have a tendency to take it out on each other (or it can appear that way, even when it’s not).

Online it’s worse, I know. When you can’t hear tone or inflection. See body language. Even an eyeroll smiley isn’t always as effective (though fun). And does a yawning smiley mean “I’m bored.” or “I’m tired.” ????? confused smiley

I’ve learned lots of new phrases over the past year. Troll. Wank. Snark. I admit I still don’t “get” text-speak and probably never will. I took both shorthand and speedwriting. The point is to make words shorter and flow faster. If it uses the same number of characters (or more???), what’s the damn point? (it’s a rhetorical question. try and answer it and I may get ‘snarky’ on you) winking smiley

written: 9/23/08
transcribed and edited: sometime later
tongue sticking out smiley

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